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Because we do not journey alone

68% of households include an animal family member. Our actions affect them & they affect us.

Beyond our homes, humans interact daily with the more-than-human world of 8.7 million other species we share this interdependent planet with. As animal lovers, what does our sacred activism look like on behalf of those "without a human voice"?

Sarah Bowen is squirreled up (pun intended!) writing a new book on the intersectionality of animals & spirituality. And she wants to hear from you.


1: Animals around you

This survey contains 4 pages and should take a total of 15-30 minutes to complete. 

For each survey completed, we will make a donation to an animal-supporting charity.

All survey takers will be entered for a chance to win a "Spiritualtarian" gift box.

This section has nine questions.

Who lives with you? (Select one option that best fits)
If "otherkind" lives in your home/on your property, what kinds? (Check all that apply)
Which statement below best fits your view? (Select one)
Are there any unwanted non-human beings living in your home/yard?
Are there any farmed animals on your property?
How much would you estimate you spend on non-human beings each year (food, vet, toys, etc.)?
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